At the time the Bell Let’s Talk campaign launched I don’t think anyone had any idea how successful it would turn out to be.
I became curious to take a deeper look at the Bell’s Let’s Talk campaign from a business perspective and discovered 4 lessons that will support you to grow your brand and business.
Are you feeling behind on your 2021 goals already?
It's hard to believe that we're nearing the end of January and one month into the new year!
Typically around this time, you might be revisiting your 2021 goals and feeling one of two ways:
Excited because you’re making steady progress and feeling confident in your plan to reach your goals.
You feel the pressure that time is ticking and you’re not making meaningful progress towards your 2021 goals.
I was in my early thirties when I first heard about the “Be Do Have” principle.
I was attending a 3-day personal leadership seminar and while I don’t remember much else from the event, the concept of “Be Do Have” woke me up to a whole new way of perceiving and interpreting the world around me.
Up until that point I had assumed, like most people I know, that the world worked according to the principles of “Have, Do, Be.”
What do you long for?
I was recently asked this question and it really struck a chord with me.
I could feel the question land deep within the pit of my stomach. It brought with it a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity.
I took a deep breath and let the question settle in.
What do I long for?
To answer this question is to speak out loud the deep desires that perhaps I’ve been too afraid to admit even to myself.
I kicked off my SheInBiz™ Summer Intensive this week with a group of amazing women who are ready to grow their impact and their income.
And one of the very first steps they’re taking is to get clear on the people they serve and the problems they solve.

Like many Canadians right now I find myself struggling to navigate between feelings of deep appreciation for a country that has enriched my life and the lives of so many people I know, while also acknowledging and honouring the deep pain and injustices that have been inflicted on the Indigineous people of this land.