What do you long for?

What do you long for?

I was recently asked this question and it really struck a chord with me.

I could feel the question land deep within the pit of my stomach. It brought with it a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity. 

I took a deep breath and let the question settle in. 

What do I long for? 

To answer this question is to speak out loud the deep desires that perhaps I’ve been too afraid to admit even to myself. 

What do I long for? 

I sat with the question, closed my eyes and waited for the answer to reveal itself. 

Deep breaths. 

It wasn’t long before I could feel the answer begin to rise to the surface. 

As I began to speak the words out loud, the image of what I long for became clearer with every word I spoke. 

I long for community and authentic connection. 

I long for a place I can show up fully as myself and be wholly embraced in all my imperfections.  

A place where I’m free to shine my light in all its glory  and also to share my fears, doubts and insecurities. To feel wholly supported no matter what version of me shows up that day. 

And I long to be part of a community that supports each of us to show up wholly, fully and authentically ourselves.  

A community that takes a stand for each of us to realize our highest potential and contribution. 

Because I believe deeply in the words of Marianne Williamson...

“... as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

I long for a place that is dedicated to supporting us to shine our light.   

And it is this longing that has led me to create the SheInBiz™ Sisterhood. 

The SheInBiz™ sisterhood is an inclusive community of womxn entrepreneurs who are ready to bring their gifts to light and create a business that is in service of a more abundant, prosperous and joy-filled world. 

We do this by aligning our gifts with the transformation we are here to create and the people we are here to serve.

In the SheInBiz™ Sisterhood we believe in:

💛  OURSELVES. We are here to serve in a bigger way. We know that we each have a unique set of skills and experience that have the power to transform people's lives and the world we live in.

 👩‍❤️‍👩  EACH OTHER. We believe in the power of real & authentic connection and we're ready to take a stand for the success of each member of our community. We know that as each one of us thrives we are lighting the way for others to do the same.

 🌟  PROSPERITY & ABUNDANCE. We seek to build thriving, profitable businesses that benefit all. Our commitment to growth is connected to our desire for greater impact.

 ⚡️  STRATEGIC & INSPIRED ACTION. We know that progress & profit are a direct result of our commitment to take purposeful, consistent and strategic action towards our goals. We act from a place of inspiration and alignment to our values.

 💥  RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY. We own our power. We know our success is dependent on our willingness to take full responsibility for our choices and how we choose to show up for ourselves and for the people we are here to serve.

If these values resonate with you and you too are longing to be part of a community of womxn who welcome you as you are and support you in shining brightly then join us here

Shine bright,


Celia FernandesComment