SheInBiz™ Summer Intensive
The SheInBiz™ Summer Intensive is an 8-week program for purpose-driven women entrepreneurs in service-based businesses who are ready to accelerate their impact and grow their income.
But despite your best efforts, you’re not getting the clients or cashflow you hoped for by now. You know you have so much to offer, but you can’t seem to get people to notice you.
You might even be feeling frustrated and overwhelmed because you’ve spent hours, days and weeks doing all the things the “experts” tell you to do (creating freebies, writing blogs and refining your customer avatar -again!) and yet nothing seems to work.
Perhaps you’ve invested in (or are thinking about) investing in ads, a beautiful website and social media campaigns, but you have no idea if that’s the right next step for you.
Most days you feel like you’re just “winging it” without a clear plan for how to get from struggling in your business to finally generating a flow of consistent clients.
You’re tired of seeing others, some with less experience and skill, grow their audience and their business while you’re barely hanging on.
You’re at a point where you feel discouraged and wondering if perhaps you’re just not cut out for this. You might even be feeling desperate, worried you’ll run out of time and money.
And the truth is building a business IS hard work. But it doesn’t have to be this hard.
I know that what you’re yearning for is possible.
But just because you’re an amazing coach, creative, healer or other service provider doesn’t mean that you know how to build a successful business.
Because knowing how to build a business is a skill.
It means knowing:
Who you’re serving and what sets you apart
How can you connect with your potential customers in a way that is authentic and speaks to your strengths and not the latest trend
How to stand out in a crowded market with offers that are compelling and connect with your ideal customers
What processes and systems are essential to your business so you can focus on the things that matter and let go of the things that don’t
How to set measurable goals and take consistent action towards achieving them
That’s why I created the SheInBiz™ Summer Intensive. Because one of my gifts is understanding how all the moving parts of your business need to work together to achieve the income and impact that you desire.
Module 1: Core Message & Brand Position
In this module you’re going to get you clear on your core message including the people you serve, the problem you solve and why they should work with you.
These 3 elements are the foundation on which your business and the rest of this program is built on. Not having clarity in one or more of these areas is why most business owners struggle to grow their business.
You’ll also begin to build your Brand Identity. This is the first impression people have when they come across your brand. A strong brand identity will help you STAND OUT and connect with your ideal customers not just with what you do, but who you are and how you make them feel.
Module 2: Signature Offer
Your signature offer is the bread and butter of your business. It’s the primary way you work with your clients.
In this module, you’ll learn how to create a signature offer that:
leverages your strengths
is at the heart of how you solve your clients problems
increases the lifetime value of your customer
has clients eager to work with you because you have exactly what they’re looking for
A signature offer also makes it easier for you to run your business and for your clients to work with you. It helps to streamline your business and establishes you as the expert in your space.
Module 3: Connect (aka Marketing)
In order to build a successful business you must first connect with your potential clients before you can hope to convert them into paying clients.
These days there are a seemingly endless number of ways in which you can do that. From social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok (no we won’t be covering that here); to webinars, email, live launches, podcasts, blogs, publications, speaking engagements and the list goes on!
So how do you know where to start and what options are right for you?
Unlike a lot of courses out there I don’t have a position on which options I think are best. What I do know is that there are two key factors you need to take into account when making your decision:
What are your strengths?
Where are your ideal clients?
Your time and money are two of the most precious commodities you have in your business.
You can’t afford to waste either in experimenting with the latest marketing gimmicks or trends that are not likely to work for your specific audience.
In this module we’ll help you narrow down to the 2 or 3 channels that make the most sense for you and your business and how to get started with your online marketing plan.
Module 4: Convert (aka Sales)
So once you’ve connected with your audience, the next step is to take them on the journey to becoming your paying clients.
You’ll learn the different stages of the customer journey and what your customers need from you at each stage.
You’ll also learn how to respond to your customers (what is often referred to as a sales funnel) so that you can help them move from the awareness stage, when they first become aware that you exist to when they’re ready to buy and become your loyal, lifetime customers.
Module 5: KPIs + Metrics
As a business owner you’ve undoubtedly heard how important it is to “know your numbers”!
But what if you’re not sure what numbers you need to know?
In this module we’re going to take a look at what are the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your business and how to measure them.
You’ll also set monthly, quarterly and annual goals and put a plan in place for how you’re going to achieve them.
Your numbers are how you measure the health of your business. They tell the story of what is happening at each stage of your business and what areas you need to pay attention to.
Module 6: Run the Business (Processes & Systems)
This module is all about learning how to run the business so the business is not running you.
You’ll learn the processes and systems your business needs right now to operate smoothly and seamlessly so that you can focus on the work you really love - serving your clients!
You’ll learn how to track your time and what tasks you need to prioritize depending on what stage of business you’re in.
Module 7: Mindset & What comes next
By this stage you’ll have learned a lot about what you need to DO to run a successful business.
But the program would not be complete without taking into consideration who you need to BE in your business. This is the mindset work.
The work you need to do to show up for your business with the courage and confidence to keep going even on the days when everything feels like a struggle.
As entrepreneurs you are continuously required to show up and push the boundaries of your comfort zone.
In this module you’ll learn how to connect to your higher self, the part of you that shows up for others. She is who you will need by your side when you come face-to-face with your limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome and self-sabotaging stories.
And from this empowered place, you will create a vision of what you want for your business for the next year and put a plan in place to get you there.
SheInBiz™ Summer Intensive Program Details
The Basics
Dates: The program will run from the week of July 7 to the week of August 24th (there will be a one-week break in the middle of the program).
NOTE: We will finalize all dates once we have confirmed all the participants to ensure availability in everyone’s schedule.
Format: Each module will be delivered live via Zoom where you will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in the content.
(All sessions will be recorded so if you’re unable to make it live you can watch the recording. Although to ensure you get the most out of the program, I encourage you to show up live as often as possible)
Weekly Coaching Calls
LIVE GROUP COACHING: Each week I will be hosting a LIVE GROUP coaching call for all participants to answer any questions and support you in making progress towards your goals.
POWER GROUP COACHING: You will also be assigned to a small power group that you will meet with weekly. These are your champions, people who are committed to showing up for you and supporting you through this intensive and celebrating your successes along the way!
By joining the SheInBiz™ Summer Intensive you’ll also get:
A BONUS 1:1 Coaching Call with me so you can get specific feedback on any area of your business that you need support with.
3 ADDITIONAL GROUP COACHING CALLS (monthly in Sept, Oct & Nov to make sure you’re on track with your goals and to keep your momentum going).
GUEST EXPERTS I’ll also be inviting 2 guest experts to address your most commonly asked questions when it comes to your marketing, branding or mindset challenges. (Expert guests TBD based on group interest).
With the SheInBiz™ Summer Intensive you’ll have all you need to build the business you know is possible.
If you’re ready to sign up now (we love action takers!) we’ve got a special discount for you!
Save $300 off the program price.
You’ll get all of this for just $997
We start July 7th!
Still have questions, get in touch!
Hey, I’m Celia!
I’m a business strategist and coach for women entrepreneurs in service-based businesses who want to grow their income and their impact.
My mission is to bridge the gap that exists for many women entrepreneurs who have the passion and drive to launch a business, but often lack the knowledge, skills and support to grow their business into a sustainable source of income.
My vision is to create a community of women who learn together, grow together and grow their businesses.