Celia Marie

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It's my birthday and I can work if I want to!

This Tuesday was my birthday. 🎉🍰

And for the first time in a long time, I spent most of my birthday working. 

Originally I’d hoped to take the day off and have a “me” day. Back when I worked in corporate I did everything possible to avoid working on my birthday. 

I’m one of those people who loves birthdays. I see it as an opportunity to spend a day doing whatever I want guilt-free. Usually that involves some reflection time in nature, a little pampering (I’d booked a massage but given the times it got cancelled 😞) and dinner with friends.

So  when I took a look at my calendar for this Tuesday and realized I was booked into several meetings I could not change, my first instinct was to get resentful. This was supposed to be my day. The day where I was on no-one else’s schedule but my own. 

I almost considered cancelling some of the meetings just so that I could have my day back. But as I took a look at what was on the calendar, I realized there was nothing in there that I didn’t want to do. 

In fact, I was looking forward to everything in my calendar that day! I was overcome with gratitude knowing that there was nothing in my calendar that I felt I HAD to do. I genuinely felt grateful that these were all things I GOT to do. 

Some of the highlights included: 

  • coaching my weekly SheInBiz™ Power Hour where I get to connect with amazing women entrepreneurs and help them figure out the next steps to take in their business. You can find out more here.

  • Being interviewed on the Happy Healthy Women Facebook Group to talk about how to strategically build a soul-aligned business. You can catch the replay here.

  • My first meeting in a new mastermind of incredible women entrepreneurs all of whom are committed to growing their business and their impact. 

Seeing these appointments in my calendar made me smile. I realized I’m doing it. I’m living the life and creating the business I’d only dreamed was possible a few years back. 🙌

I’m finally in a place where I get to do work every day that fills me up.  I get to use all my skills and experience to help women grow their business so they can build a life that lights them up. 

I can’t imagine a better gift. 

In fact, I’m pretty sure this is what it feels like to have your cake and eat it too! 🎂😉

Let me know in the comments below, what are you grateful that you GET to do today in your business that might have previously felt like a chore?

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