Celia Marie Life Coaching

A little more about me…

Besides being a personal empowerment coach, I’m also a foodie, yogi, spiritual explorer, traveller and nature-lover with a fabulous shoe collection.

And today I can honestly say, I'm living my life on my terms. 


But that wasn’t always the case….


Like many of you, I believed that if I went to school, got a “good” job and worked hard enough I’d be “successful”.  So, I got an MBA, spent 15 years in the corporate world and by most people’s standards I’d made it. I was making a six-figure salary, owned my own home, had a great group of friends and family and yet most days I felt lost, empty and unhappy with my life. 

It seemed liked the higher I climbed, the further I got from who I was and what mattered to me. I got to a point where I didn’t recognize myself anymore and worse, I didn’t like the person I was becoming. I was angry and frustrated with myself, with everyone around me and with the world. Why couldn’t I just be happy with what I had? Why couldn’t I shake this feeling that there had to be something more? But deep down inside I just knew there had to be more to my life.


So after multiple breakdowns, a lot of soul searching and some pretty ugly moments, I finally quit my job!

And with my newfound freedom, I set out to explore, discover and uncover who I am and what matters to me. What I learned is that it’s less about me finding the “perfect” job and more about CREATING work that inspires me. It’s less about what I can get and more about what I can GIVE. Less about what I’m doing and a whole lot more about who I’m BEING.

I believe that each of us wants to live a life that matters. We want to be fully expressed, to show up as our authentic selves and to share our gifts with the world. But somewhere along the way, in our efforts to be "successful" and meet everyone else's expectations of what we should be doing,  we lose touch with who we really are and what we want for our lives. I know I did. 

So I set out to  recreate my life on my terms.

To do that, I had to learn to tune out everyone else’s opinions and ideas of what my life should look like and tune in to the part of me that was yearning to be heard. I had to face my fears of being seen, of being judged for being “too much”or “not enough”.  I had to learn to be vulnerable, to ask for help, to trust and to keep showing up even when I wasn’t sure what I was doing.

It's been the most challenging, honest and deepest work I've had to do. And yet I can't imagine anything more worthwhile and fulfilling.

And that's why today my mission is to help you to connect to your truth, your authentic self, and from that place create a life you love on your terms. Trust me, there's nothing better.

Ready to start creating a life you love?

